Carnivore diet

Chicken Liver vs Beef Liver: Which One is Better?

Chicken Liver vs Beef Liver: Which One is Better?

The most important debate in the world today isn’t the presidential one…

It’s which organ meat you should add to your diet.

If you’re here, you’re already in the 1% of people who likely understand the benefits of liver. But you’re debating which to consume.

Let me explain.

Why you should be eating liver every day

Humans have been eating animals for millions of years to keep us alive and well. In fact, eating animal products made us human in the first place.

Until recently, our carnivore ancestors ate the whole animal from nose to tail - including the organs. Organ meat, or offal as it’s also referred to, includes the tongue, brain, heart, kidneys, and liver of animals.

Weston Price found that the healthiest tribes prized these foods as sacred, especially for nursing mothers.

Fast forward to the present day, and not only do most people avoid red meat entirely, the people that do eat red meat avoid the most nutritious parts. Muscle meat does have a lot of nutrients, but it pales in comparison to organs. Additionally, your body adapted to getting all the nutrients in a full animal, so there are many you’re deficient in if you don’t eat the organs.

There are several of benefits to eating organ meat, including but not limited to:

  1. A great source of iron (the iron found in organ meat is easier to absorb than iron found in plant-based foods)
  2. Keeps you feeling fuller for longer (research into high-protein diets show a reduction in appetite and an increase in feeling full for an extended period of time)
  3. Can help retain muscle mass (healthy and easy-to-digest protein like the kind found in beef liver is vital for building and maintaining muscle mass)
  4. Rich in choline & selenium (chlorine & selenium are essential nutrients for brain, liver, and muscle health and one that several people don’t get enough of)
  5. One of the only sources of Vitamin A retinol: Beef liver is the best and one of the only sources of vitamin A retinol, a crucial vitamin.

Beef liver, in particular, is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet.

So can we safely assume all animal livers are great for us?

Not so fast.

Just as there are different nutritional profiles for various beef and poultry cuts, there are critical differences between beef liver and chicken liver's dietary profiles.

This article explores and compares the nutritional profiles of chicken liver and beef liver to help you understand which one is better for you.

Before we go further, sign up below if you're interested in my favorie beef liver recipes.

Nutritional profile of Chicken Liver

How good is chicken liver for you? Let’s explore the nutrition facts.

Calories & Macronutrients

Chicken liver is high in protein and low in fat, particularly saturated fat. It’s also somewhat low in calories per 100g.


Chicken is also stacked full of B vitamins, most notably B12. Chicken liver is also a somewhat surprising source of vitamin C. This might be because of the feeding regimen of the chicken. Offal is a common source of vitamin C, whereas muscle meat is not.

It’s also full of Vitamin A, which is a nutrient powerhouse, known to:

  • rejuvenate the skin,
  • protect cells against free radical damage,
  • power your immune system,
  • support vision, and
  • accelerate muscle gain.

Further, chicken liver is high in folate (B9), which your body needs to form DNA and other genetic materials. You also need folate for your cells to divide.


Source: Nutrition Data

There’s a large amount of selenium found in chicken liver. What does selenium do? Well, selenium is known for its antioxidant properties and its essential support of the thyroid gland.

Chicken liver is also high in iron, which gives you energy.

Are there any downsides or dangers from eating chicken liver?

Chicken liver contains a high amount of vitamin A; therefore, it’s worth addressing vitamin A toxicity.

Vitamin A toxicity has been reported by people taking synthetic vitamin A supplements for months at a time. The subjects took close to 100,000 IU a day for several months, which equates to over 1lb of liver a day for months on end.

Research also shows that vitamin D increases the toxicity threshold, which means a typical 160lb male could increase his vitamin A threshold to 200,000 IU a day, with the right vitamin D supplementation.

Ultimately, the effects of too little vitamin A far outweigh the perceived problems of too much.

Nutritional profile of Beef Liver

Now let’s look at the nutritional facts of beef liver.

Calories & Macronutrients

Beef liver is a high-quality protein that’s easy for your body to digest, making it a definite superfood. It’s also low in calories and low in saturated fat.


Beef liver is teeming with vitamin B12, which supports the nervous system, DNA and your energy levels. B12 deficiency has been linked to dementia, cardiovascular disease, and depression, making it extremely important to incorporate into your daily diet.

There’s a ton of riboflavin (or B2) found in beef liver. B2 helps you build red blood cells and allows you to break down carbs, proteins, and fat to produce energy.


Source: Nutrition Data

Copper boosts brain and skin health, protects your heart, supports your metabolism and immunity, AND aides energy maintenance. Unfortunately, our bodies don’t produce copper independently, so a fantastic and straightforward way to ensure you’re getting enough copper is by eating beef liver regularly.

Want to learn more? See further proof beef liver really works.

Before going further, if you want to buy the first beef liver product that tastes good, check out my brand new crisps below.

Are there any downsides or dangers to eating beef liver?

As with vitamin A, there is a risk of copper toxicity from getting too much copper. If you’re eating beef liver regularly, there’s no need to get copper from other sources.

As is the case with so many foods, moderation is key. Please save some liver for the rest of us! Research shows that problems arise only when excessive amounts of copper are consumed.

So which is better? Chicken liver or beef liver?

Chicken liver is a strong contender against beef liver when it comes to nutritional power.

However, there are more essential vitamins and minerals found in beef liver, making it mother nature’s natural multivitamin.

Additionally, the practice of raising chicken tends to be more fraught with issues and bacteria and is another reason beef liver wins out. For both of these reasons, we crown beef liver with the title of World’s Best Liver.

With that being said, you definitely can’t go wrong eating beef liver. Both chicken liver and beef liver are excellent sources of many macronutrients, minerals, and vitamins. We know the daily intake part can be the tricky bit, and that’s where Carnivore Aurelius beef liver crisps step in.

We’ve made beef liver taste good, see for yourself and reap the benefits of this secret superfood.