Carnivore diet

Sunlight: A Miracle, Forgotten Health Cure

Sunlight: A Miracle, Forgotten Health Cure

The sunlight is a miracle, forgotten health cure...

It is the source of all life on earth and one of the most powerful ways to improve your mood, health and attractiveness.

Our modern society is the only one in history that has feared the sun as much as we do and it shows.Attempting to block the sun with creams that actually cause the disease, epitomizes how backwards our society is.

If we want to restore health & humanity, we need to restore our relationship with the sun...

Here's why....Throughout history, humans have worshipped the sun as anything from a conscious God to the most important healer.

Ancient Greek Physicians often prescribed solar therapy, and ancient egyptians built the city of Heliopolis to worship the sunUp until the 1930s, many clinics were opened that used the sun to heal a number of diseases.

Dr Rollier, one of the most popular practitioners, had a clinic in the swiss alps where he found that the sun helped clear everything from tuberculosis to eczema to acne to arthritis.I believe that we need an RDA for sunlight and to bring back this ancient remedy.


The sunlight is so much more than vitamin D and UV light and cannot be replaced with a pill.

Here are all the benefits of sun exposure: First, the real reason they want you to avoid the sun...


Unfortunately this maxes out around 20 inches.

#1. First, UV light.

Uv light reacts with cholesterol in the skin to form vitamin D. Vitamin D is critical to immune function and the absorption of calcium and many other minerals.UV light has also been shown to reduce blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, increase the efficiency of the heart, improve metabolism, increase weight loss, improve hormonal profile, improve the gut microbioime and increase libido This recent study in cell reports showed that UV light exposure in the skin & eyes increased testosterone production & libido and most importantly it helped to make the rats dangerously attractive / sexy to their partners.Russia was recently caught "doping" by using UV light therapy after the russian athletes all looked darker than they normally would and cleaned up at the olympics.

UV is tremendously beneficial...but what about all the "harms"?Too much UV light is definitely bad, just like how too much oxygen and water can kill you.

Overexposure, to the point of burning, can increase your risk of skin cancer. However, these dangers have been exaggerated beyond belief. This review found that the benefits of UV exposure decreasing the risk of more deadly forms of cancer, alzheimers, diabetes, and macular degeneration, outweighed the risks of nonburning sun exposure.


Dr Helen Shaw found that the people who had the lowest risk of developing skin cancer were those whose main outdoor activity was sunbathing.


Twice the risk of developing melanomas was found in office workers who had to work indoors all day under fluorescent lights.This doesn't mean that you should necessarily use tanning beds either, isolated UV without the protective red and infrared light can be harmful.

Lastly the deadliest skin cancers, melanomas, often occur on areas of the body not exposed to the sun.

#2. The sun is very bright...

Sunny days are anywhere from 100-1000x brighter in terms of LUX than indoor lighting.

Brightness has a profound effect on mood, fertility and libido.People with seasonal effective disorder from lack of bright lack have higher incidences of fatigue, sickness, insomnia, depression and suicide.

A recent study showed that low libido in men was treated by bright light exposure.Depriving of light deprives you of all vital energy. We're all living in this pseudo solitary confinement where everybody is being sapped of their vital energy.

#3 Circadian rhythm

Humans today are more disconnected from nature than we have ever been.

One of the ways in which we connect to nature is via our circadian rythym -- the natural cycles our biological systems undergo, in relation to nature's own cycles.Humans are meant to rise and rest with the rise and fall of the sun.

The day begins with the brighter colors, the yellow of the sun, blue of the sky, green of the earth....this activates our sympathetic nervous system, waking us up and energizing us for the delay. Throughout the day, the colors transition in to the red orange and the dark blue of night.

This is when we slow down, giving our body time to rest and regenerate.Most people today, however, are not getting outside at sunrise and are blasting themselves with indoor lighting and phone screens at night. Our circadian rythyms are out of sync, you feel constantly "off"

Which brings me to the eyes...

#4 Eyes

Your eyes are extensions of the brain.

Light from your eye is not just used for visual goes directly to the hypothalamus in your brain, which directs your pituitary, the master regulator of your endocrine system.

Light modulates the entire HPA, stress axis.The hormones released by your hypothalamus and pituitary gland effect every single organ in your body. Pituitary is major gland of endocrine byut controls everything such as thyroid, adrenals, sexual organs.


Ancient greeks believed eyes were the most direct path to the organs.Similar to how the components of food you eat travel throughout your blood stream to different tissues, light through your eyes ends up influencing the function of every single organ.

The study of iridology looks at the eye as a map to different organsThis may also be why people who have issues with their eyes are much more likely to have mental health issues.

#5 Full spectrum Colors

Sunlight is much more than bright UV light. It has the full visible spectrum + many invisible electromagnetic wavelengths like infrared.


Many of the most important enzymes in the body are color sensitive.Martinek and Berezin found that some colors can stimulate bodiliy enzymes to be up to 500% more effective.

Cytochrome c oxidase, for instance, the last enzyme in the electron transport chain is stimulated by red light increasing ATP production.Red light has also been shown to help with migraines and collagen synthesis.

Blue light has been shown to treat athritis and jaundice.

Green activates the parasympathetic nervous system.

Infrared light can penetrate deep into tissues and has been shown to help depression. Color is a nutrient that effects us like food

Ancient greece was famous for healing temples where sunlight broken into spectral colors where they would treat different diseases with different colors.When you sunbathe, you're ingesting an entire rainbow of colors through your eyes and skin.

Whereas staring at screens all day you're only ingesting one or a handful of colors.

It's the difference between junk food and whole food...

#6 Pineal gland

Pineal gland, was called the seat of the soul, because it is the most important gland connecting us to our external environment.

It's often called our third eye, as it is source of higher intuition and also intimately connected to light via the eyes.In a way, it is the body's light meter.


its goal is to transmit information to the body pertaining to the length and time of the day.

One of the most important functions is releasing melatonin. Melatonin doesn't just make you sleepy....

it acts on almost every organ, synthesizing the ryhthym with our master circadian rythym

Within our body we have hundreds of different circadian rythyms. The pineal gland and melatonin help to conduct and synchronize them all.Very small amounts of light can shift the pineals function disrupting the intricate rhythmic harmony in our body.

It's the difference between an orchestra with a professional conductor and a random child off the street...

Even if the raw materials are great it cannot performNot one cell can escape the influence of light....

We are beings of light...and just like you are what you eat, you are what sort of light you consume.So stop staring at screens all day and sitting indoors under fake like and get outside in the sun.

Bonus: for the best effects of the sun, do as the ancients did and make sure to expose your full body, including your perineum and genitals.
