How to Manifest Anything to Change Your Life: Part 2

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Part 2 of my thread on manifesting to change your life.

You can create anything your subconscious desires.

In fact, you are already doing so.

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Everything you see around you is a manifestation of thoughts in your head.

The world is a mirror that reflects your inner self.

Just like with a mirror, you wouldn’t break it for reflecting something ugly.

You’d fix what it is reflecting. Everything around you was created by people just like you.

It was all a manifestation of mind You can and WILL be great too if you understand this

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However, if you don’t understand how to do so properly you will actually block and repel what you really want in life

It’s time to FLIP THE SCRIPT and get everything you want in life….with ease.

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The common interpretation of manifestation is all wrong.

It does not involve really strongly desiring something and looking at photos of it all day. No ouji boards here.

In fact, the process is quite simple and should be fairly effortless…099f81cf 18ee 4abe b27c 46a5dab329dd
But most people, unconsciously, are following this incorrect version of manifestation.

What do I mean?

Everything you do on a day to day basis is based on a desire you have…

To get rich. Find a partner. Become somebody different. Etc.

Even if you aren’t consciously thinking about this all the time, you are subconsciously.

What’s wrong with this?  Desiring something really badly and constantly thinking about it will not work and can actually repel it. 


This blew my mind when I first learned this…..

Desires have 2 parts.

1: the thing you want

2: the reason why you want it

The problem is that most of the time, the reason why people want something is because they lack something deep down

Dont believe me?— Think about one of your desires. Say its a relationship.

Continue asking yourself why you want it.

“I want a partner to be with to have fun with”. Why? “Because I like spending time with someone else that’s aligned with me?”

Why… ——– Well, what you’ll find is that the desire usually stems from some inadequacy  The buck will stop at you feeling lonely, bored or wanting validation

Millennials And The Loneliness Epidemic

Every time you think about desiring that external thing you’re then activating that internal lack.

This is why it doesn’t feel good when you think about what you most desire a lot of the time.

It reinforces your insecurities.

And what you pay attention to will manifest. It doesn’t matter if you’re saying YES to something or NO to something…whatever you pay attention to will happen. Remember, your attention is a radio signal that will suck in everything similar to that vibration (I explain more below).

If you are constantly saying NO to bad relationships, that’s equivalent to manifesting bad relationships. 

You get what you think about even if you’re saying no to it. 

It’s terrifying…but also very empowering. It’s almost like you’re a prisoner in your own jail….you need to be very very careful what you pay attention to and think about.

So by thinking about your desires all the time, you actually are repelling them…whether this is conscious or subconscious doesn’t matter.

Regardless, you’re paying attention to it. —– If you’ve ever dated someone that feels too needy you know exactly what I mean…

You can tell immediately when they need you for your love and validation and dont feel whole within.

Others will feel this vibration and reject you. It will further reinforce the loneliness

So how do you actually manifest correctly?

The first thing to remember is that you are a vibrational being.

The Gates of Atlantis Cosmic Poster | Art Print | Psychedelic| | Spiritual | | Visionary | Psy | Art

Like a radio you are always putting out a signal whether or not you know it.

Similar to your radio too, you cannot receive 700AM if you are tuned to 100.3 FM

Meaning, you can only receive what is in alignment with your vibration. 

Every single thought you think and emotion you feel is putting out a signal.

If it is not in alignment with what you want in life, you will not get it. 

The opposite is true too. Everything that is coming to you in your external environment is because you’re in vibrational alignment with it. This is what “the world is a mirror means”. If all you can think about is how you keep getting screwed by business partners or relationships, you’ll only get relationships who screw you over…

Therefore, the first step to manifestation is getting in vibrational alignment with what you desire. 

See this is the main difference between how most people try to manifest and how I think you should.

Manifesting from a high vibration is much different, easier and more enjoyable from manifesting from a low one —- Here’s the difference….

Low vibration emotions below like desire, fear, anger and even courage can make things happen, but more often repel them.
Whereas higher vibration emotions act as magnetic attractors (and you will enjoy the process much more to)

When you’re lower vibration you may get closer to what you want, but you will continuously fall short experiencing block after block after block.

What we can learn from Sisyphus and his rock | by Chhavi Kumar | Noteworthy  - The Journal Blog

Lower vibe = craving, and feeling needy. Frenetic search for it. 

It’s only when you completely let go of the lower vibration emotions when you’ll receive what you want effortlessly —-Here’s how the difference actually looks:

Low vibe = I want money. 

High vibe = I’m doing what I love and money may be a byproduct, but I definitely dont need it because I’m doing it out of love.

In the first scenario you want money because you lack money. In the second, you attract money because you’re creating out of love.  

How is this so powerful? When you raise your vibration you become a magnetic force and unlock new intelligence. 
Acting more from your heart — a higher vibration — increases the magnetic field around you

The heart’s magnetic field is 100x greater than the field generated by the brain and can be perceived up to 3 feet away.

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Additionally, based on the emotions you’re feeling your heart encodes a different pattern that others can pick up
Other people can feel when you open up your higher intelligence and they will be attracted to that. 


Most people live in the lower vibration centers or the lower 3 chakras.

A Beginners Guide to the 7 Chakras – YogaMerge

These lower 3 chakras are activated by the bodily pleasures…and continuously push you towards them. And, by the way, this is one of the reasons why I advocate for stopping to watch porn and noFap. If your life is dominated by sexuality, your will not ever activate your higher energy centers.

If you are one of those people, you have all this intelligence bottled up in your heart, waiting to be released.

In fact, the heart has 40,000 neurons of its own like the brain and it’s waiting to give you intelligence

When you unlock this 4th chakra or heart center, you will be flooded with love, intuition and creative energy like never before.

When you are in the lower centers with lower vibration you have stress and negative emotions

This causes the hearts rhythm to be disordered and inhibits higher cognition

Whereas higher emotional states lead to more heart rate coherence and a more stable beat, facilitating cognitive functionYou can measure this with heart rate variability Feeling better literally causes you to do better.


The key to manifestation is that you need to continue to raise your vibration until you’re in alignment with what you want.

Every time you lower your vibration you block it. Whereas every time you raise it, you become a magnetic force pulling it towards you.

The world of creation is a stream of energy. Like a river, most people are hanging onto the shores or swimming against the tide. 

Living Stillness— The Tao to Self | by Martine Weber | P.S. I Love You

They’re holding onto attachments like trees on the river bank instead of jumping in
But from inside the current everything is clear.

This current is true alignment with nature and the universe.

And it’s also true alignment with your true self.

See most people have two versions of themselves. Who they show to everyone else and who they really are down under.

There’s Larry the lawyer…all buttoned up and professional at work. But underneath there’s the real larry. Larry the artist, larry the poet, larry the lover, larry the comedian.

When you’re in alignment with your true self and the universe, it’s an extremely powerful combination.

This is what the taoists called the Way. Stoics spoke about too when “living in accord with nature”

When you raise your vibration, you will effortlessly work with the universe and it will bring you to everything you need just like how a lazy river always brings you to your destination…

How do you know when you are in this river of creation and are manifesting instead of rejecting things?

Your emotions are the best guidepost.

If you are feeling high vibe emotions like love, gratitude and vitality, you are in the river of creation.

The Hawkins Scale Of Enlightenment | Souls Space

But if you’re feeling anything lower: anger, guilt, fear or even desire, it means you are consciously or subconsciously focusing on your lack of abundance. 

If you truly felt like you had everything you ever needed, why would you be fearful, for instance

Every time your emotions are signaling that you’re not in this river, you need to hop back in. 

Lower emotions BLOCK your connection to the river of creation.

Your heart and brain will not see the opportunities if you are not a vibrational match just like how you can’t receive 700AM at 100.3 

You can only receive what you want if you’re at a perfect vibrational match to it. 

This is what “inspiration and intuition are”. You feel wonderful and plugged in. Ideas flow in and you know they’re good. 

Life becomes magical. It works for you. 

This is because you’re perfectly plugged into the desire you want and in the stream of creation.

So to recap a little bit….the key is first setting an intention, but then jumping into the river of creation and letting the universe bring it to you. After setting an intention you must first become vibrationally aligned with it. But then this is the key step: you must let go of your egoic desire for it and allow the universe to serendipitously bring it to you.

The ego, for one, will actively block what you really want. But two, it cannot even come close to envisioning the best things for you. When you let go of the need to control everything, the universe will bring you things that are even better than your wildest imagination.

Some will say “oh the last thing I got I desired a lot.

No, what really happened was that you desired it a lot, you raised your vibration and then finally you let go ….and that’s when it came in. 

But you can let go from the get go.

I think of it like sleeping.

To fall asleep you need to have the intention to go to bed. You need to then become the person who can fall asleep…ie. Don’t do a line of cocaine before getting into bed.

But then the more you desire it the harder it becomes.

It’s only when you totally let go that you actually fall asleep 

When you feel lonely or frustrated that you don’t have something you move out of alignment with it, postponing it.  

Everything needs to be aligned physically, emotionally and energetically. For instance, if you’re “searching for love” but cannot even love yourself enough to eat healthy, you’re not going to realize this true potential.

So here’s the key 4 step process to manifesting:
#1 Have an intention

#2 Let go of lower emotions, including desire

#3 Raise your vibration

#4 Feel like you already have it and that it’s on the way\

When you organize your mind in one direction and keep it unwavering, whatever you want will happen.

Now all of this is harder said than done.


1: because raising your vibration in modernity is very challenging. The world around you is full of energy vampires that suck out your energy and bring you down

2: your subconscious is cluttered with BS limiting beliefs that will prevent you from staying in this high vibration for long.

3: your mind is highly scattered and cannot focus on the intention or feeling of having it for long. 

So how do you raise your vibration, feel like you already have what you want and hop into the effortless river of creation? 

That’s for next week.

