August of Aurelius: Week 4, Day 4

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If we’re living in a simulation, cold showers are the cheat code.

The dreaded cold shower. You’ve probably had to endure that at some point in your life. While these experiences may have sucked, they’re actually doing you a favor.  It’s time to break your addiction to comfort. I recommend taking a cold shower 2 to 3 times a week in the morning for up to 5 minutes.

Benefit 1: May Increase Alertness

Ever take a hot shower and immediately felt like sleeping after? Try falling asleep after a cold shower. If you need an extra boost in the morning, there’s nothing better than a cold shower.

https .au media Network Images cold shower coach 151229

Benefit 2: May Increase Testosterone

Studies have shown cold showers may increase testosterone in men. Men — Why do you think your testicles dangle outside of your body? It’s to keep them cool and to have an average temperature lower than your body. That’s also why your nuts tighten up when you’re in the cold. They are trying to get closer to the warmth of your body. It’s time to be brave for your balls and take the plunge. 

Hot showers have been shown to do the opposite. In one study, men who stopped taking hot showers had a 491 per cent boost in sperm count after six months.

Benefit 3: Speeds up muscle recovery

Ever notice how professional athletes take ice baths after a game? That isn’t for no reason. Cold showers help reduce muscle soreness after intense workouts. If you’ve ever had an experience of not feeling sore right after a workout but the next day feeling extra sore (otherwise known as delayed onset muscle soreness), cold showers can help alleviate that. Since cold water has regenerative properties, constricts blood vessels and reduces metabolic activity, which limits swelling and tissue breakdown, your muscles are likely to repair more quickly after a cold shower.

Benefit 4: Reduces stress and increases tolerance

The worst addiction in the world is comfort. Nobody wants to be cold. Nobody wants to try a hard diet. Nobody wants to exercise hard. They want to click a button and have all their needs satisfied. But all growth happens with discomfort. Jumping into a cold shower isn’t easy. but if you consistently find a way to take cold showers, you build up a tolerance to this stress. If your body becomes accustomed to dealing with stressful stimuli, this will benefit so many other facets of your life. 

Benefit 5: Relieves depression

if you’ve taken a cold shower, you know your body has a huge rush. When the cold water touches your skin receptors, these receptors go crazy flooding your brain with an overwhelming amount of electrical impulses. This has an anti depressive effect on your mind. 

For people with depression, cold showers can work as electroshock therapy. The cold water sends electrical impulses to your brain. They jolt your system to increase alertness, clarity, and energy levels. You may also experience a norepinephrine and endorphin release, which can further improve mood and cognition.


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